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Country Style Copper Bathtub

Country Style Copper Bathtub

Unlike their sleek and shiny urban counterparts, farmhouse bathrooms feature hard-worn surfaces like shabby wood and aged brass or copper over prec...

Everything you need to know to find your Perfect Copper Bathtub

Everything you need to know to find your Perfect Copper Bathtub

For many of us, a relaxing bath is a moment we are waiting for during a long, hectic day. Finding the perfect copper bathtub can make a bigger dif...



  You want to remodel and upgrade your home and you are looking for great architectural ideas, best material and high-tech appliances. Consider add...

Hammered Copper Products

Hammered Copper Products

Discover the versatile beauty of our hammered copper products that will most definitely add value to the home. Despite their tough exteriors, polis...

Quality Copper Tubs

Quality Copper Tubs

What could make your bathroom look elegant and luxurious without laborious remodelling? With stunning and rustic copper tub any room will be instan...

Why use Copper in your Home?

Why use Copper in your Home?

The copper had been present since the beginning of human households’ history. It was a very important material to create functional cookware or wat...

Customized Drop-in Copper Bathtubs

Customized Drop-in Copper Bathtubs

Turn your bathroom into an antique paradise and ultimate relaxing spot. If you are reading this article, you have probably already decided to add a...

Small Copper Bathtubs

Small Copper Bathtubs

Forget about the functional and pragmatic showers, the latest trend for comfort and elegance lovers is a freestanding or drop-in vintage looking ba...

Hammered Copper Bathtubs

Hammered Copper Bathtubs

They are not just another piece of furniture in the bathroom. Hand hammered copper bathtubs are a coppersmith statement of luxury and home owner’s ...

Hand Hammered Mexican Copper Bathtubs

Hand Hammered Mexican Copper Bathtubs

Latest trends in home decorating show hand hammered Mexican copper bathtubs as alternative for selecting an ideal focal point for your bathroom. In...

Made-to-Order Copper Bathtub

Made-to-Order Copper Bathtub

Build your own stunning and relaxing spa in your bathroom by purchasing one of our exclusive made-to-order copper bathtubs. Although they can be de...

Copper Bathtubs for a Bathroom

Copper Bathtubs for a Bathroom

Copper bathtubs are produced in many shapes, sizes and styles. The most popular bathtub is a free standing tub with rings. It is made of decorative...