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Copper Rustic Tub

As the autumn gets closer, there is no excuse to relax and soak in a warm, long bath in your own personal luxurious spa. And, yes, a copper rustic tub for a bathroom is a statement piece it needs and your body will appreciate. Copper has been huge in bathroom furnishings for several seasons especial bathtub products. You can find it in kitchens but also in bathrooms around the world. If you are looking for something unique for your washroom, a hammered copper rustic tub will be your best option. And in spite of many myths that exist about metal, it is actually the best material for your baths. Few people know that it retains the water temperature better than an acrylic bath. Great news for all of us who love spending “hours” in a large or small farmhouse tub as it means that you don’t have to pour extra water if you wish to have a soak, which is amazing both in terms of the environment as well as your energy bills.

hammered copper rustic tub in a bathroom

Due to its metallic but warm look and vintage appeal, a free standing copper rustic tub for a bathroom fits in any decor. If you check our collection, you will soon discover that our hacienda bathtubs easily complement a bathroom that’s classic, as well as one that’s contemporary in its styling. In case your home is predominantly country style, Spanish rustic tub will be yet another addition to combine a rich mix of old and new. On the contrary, a contemporary design requires elements that juxtapose to pre-existing cold and minimalist forms. You want a fixture to brighten up space and make it feel welcoming. A rustic tub will do the trick. A shining tub bring a bright burst of color to your bathroom and because copper develops a patina finish over time, they'll get even nicer with age.

picture of free standing copper in antique style but in a rustic bathroom

If you do not intend to rely on the “living finish” effect of a copper, you can always buy a slipper rustic tub with rings with our patina options to enhance the charm of this metal. You can go towards darker patina that will add country feeling to your bathroom, especially if ordered with some additional decorative rings and a cottage shape. A polished, glossy tub will be an eye-catchy object that will perform magnificently in all-white spaces with minimal presence of accessories and gadgets. It is all about you and the sophisticated custom bathtub that captivates you with its fine appearance.

Find out about a bathrooms cherishing a beautiful country tub in our blog. The size of your room does not really matter as we can custom make a smaller size bathtub to meet your requirements. It can be a drop-in or a corner model, nothing keeps you from having those luxurious soaks every night. Mexican copper bathtubs are handmade in India, China and Mexico. The bathtub production involves hammering into the desired shape often in custom made size and with a made to order design. Luckily, a copper is incredibly flexible material which facilitates producing an impressive and versatile rustic tub product line.

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